Being a writer used to be about sitting at a desk with a notepad and pen, or perhaps a typewriter, thinking of interesting words and phrases and paragraphs, and either writing them down or typing them up. Then tearing up the pages and starting over. And hopefully coming up with something wonderful in the end.
And then the computer entered the world and writing changed. Well, it became less of a workout for one's arms and more a matter of getting down all those wonderful ideas and playing with them and reworking them until they made sense.
As someone who never learned to type properly in spite of several

attempts, I expect my output would be about a quarter of what it is if I'd had to type everything out using a regular typewriter. Just the thought of trying to create all those perfect pages of my two mysteries, one of which underwent 17 drafts, makes me feel very faint.
So as far as I'm concerned, the move to computers was a wonderful thing, even though it took away some of the mystery and romance of being a writer.
But now, we're looking at another change. Instead of just sitting here putting in words, I'm learning about jpgs and gifs and pngs, power point and video streaming, RFF feeds and tracking.... It's not enough just to write words these days.You need a multi-media presntation. You need a blog as well as a website. Or maybe just a blogsite. And then there are teleseminars and webinars and-- Ouch! I don't know that my brain can take much more.
But it will have to. Because I also need to know about marketing - what works and what doesn't. I need to know my target audience. And if I have more than one target audience, I need to streamline my message for each audience.
So this week, I've been working on 8 (Yes, 8!) blogsites. Each one hopefully appropriate for its theme.
comingofagenovels.com - for teens, their parents, youth leaders, and teachers
manziukandryan.com - for fans of classic mysteries
bluecollarwriter.com - for anyone who wants to know my opinion on anything
njlindquist.com - for people looking for speakers
hotapplecider.ca - for anyone looking for encouragement
releasethecreativeyou.com - for anyone who is struggling with being able to follow his or her dreams
writewithexcellence.com - for writers or aspiring writers
joyequipping.com - for Christians who feel stifled or frustrated

No, none of the sites are completed. There are hours of work still ahead of me as I add content, fine-tune, and double-check to make sure everything works.
And true, I haven't had time to do much of the old-fashioned kind of writing. But, the funny thing is I do feel kind of good about what I'm creating. It's just a different form of writing.
And on the side, I've been thinking hard about what I want to write. Hopefully as soon as my blogsites are all functioning, I'll be able to do some more work on my many writing projects, and upload them, either as blogs, with some appropriate pictures, and maybe a little music; perhaps as ebooks or audio; possibly in teleseminar format; even as part of a WEB TV program.... The options are truly staggering these days. The ability to choose a format to suit each type of writing is at our fingertips if we're open to learning.
And one of my key rules for sucess as a writer is "Never stop learning."
N. J.