Friday, July 13, 2012

A Little Child Shall Lead Them..............

by Glynis M. Belec

"... Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."  Luke 18:17

Mr. T and Miss J stand waiting for the next instruction!
"No matter what people do - trust God!" Four year old Miss J nestled onto my lap and glared at me for a response.
I smiled. I always smile at Miss J and her wonderful words of wisdom. She and her brother had spent their mornings this week at the Vacation Bible School program in our community.

I am a little wont to write about my grandchildren at the best of times, but today I especially cannot help myself.

All week both of my grandbabies have been chattering constantly about lessons learned and songs sung. My clever daughter bought them a CD so they could practise and learn the songs at home.  When they were at my place this week, the room was often filled with beautiful Jesus songs about trusting and flying high with Jesus and loving one another. 

Miss J's age has been put into question given the amount of heart knowledge I think she has acquired over the past week. She has told me about the Roman Soldiers who took Jesus away. She told me that it was just people dressed up at VBS. But then she went on to tell me it was really true. Then she cried.
Mr. T & Miss J singing and doing actions at VBS!
"If they took the real Jesus, who is going to look after me and keep away the bad dreams I sometimes have at bedtime?"
She was serious. She had internalized the story that was shared at VBS and was now applying the death of Christ to her own little, blessed, beautiful existence. What a lesson for Grandma?
Then her brother helped her to understand that Jesus rose again and she would be okay. 
I heard about Africa and mosquito nets. I heard about Lazarus and loving our neighbour. I had to stop everything to listen to how children need to listen to their parents and God. 

In short, I was blown away by how much children absorb and trust and believe in Jesus. I know there is some sort of heavenly connection. The older we grow, the less we know, so the less we know the more we need to grow in our faith. In other words, child-like faith is natural. Cynicism and doubt have marred our vision and caused us to question rather than believe. I think questioning is good because this world can be deceiving, but how beautiful it would be if we could see the world and know God as a child (does). 

Miss J was born eight months after my mother died. She once told me that she spoke to 'Nanny' in heaven. Somehow I kinda', sorta' believe her. There is a day we will cross it again on the way out. Meanwhile I will continue to cherish and learn - from my grandchildren...

1 comment:

Peter Black said...

Priceless, Glynis!

That'a quite a peck of principles of how beautifully the "Kingdom of heaven" is when sown and grown in young hearts and lives. God bless your grandbabies with the life of Jesus nurtured and springing up within them day by day.

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