I shouldn't be afraid, but I am, to hear of people straying from the truth of the Bible and embracing falsehoods.
I guess, maybe, I'm afraid because, although I now enjoy the benefit of being grounded in the Word of God, not everyone is. And sometimes, when people hear something fascinating or intriguing, they lean toward it, to embrace it, consider it, and...get swept up by the wind of new doctrine and tossed haphazardly across the wide expanse of blue sky to drop with a heavy thud somewhere far from where they started.
Last year, for example, the buzz surrounding the debut of
The DaVinci Code drove thousands to purchase the book. Many Christians felt compelled to read it, also. Saddened, I heard on a Christian radio station many admit to questioning their faith afterward.
A few weeks back, my husband told me it was recently announced on the news that fifteen years ago, a construction crew in Jerusalem uncovered a tomb containing the coffins of Jesus, Miriam, and Jude, son of Jesus. Because the coffins had the names inscribed on them, the assumption by the archaeologists was
this Jesus is the Jesus of the Bible, Miriam is another name for Mary Magadalene, and Jude has to be
their son.
My heart cried out for all those who would...
...forget the fact that the names of Jesus, Mary, and Jude were popular names so that
this Jesus, Mary, and Jude could have been anyone.
...forget the fact the 21st-century science techies do not possess the DNA of the Jesus of the Bible to accurately and unequivocally determine if the remains of
this one really was His.
...forget, too, that man has been known to elevate theory to the level of truth and fact and then promote it as such.
Although the Bible does speak of a falling away from the faith, I still find myself wanting to offer...a safety net to catch those tossed around by the vicious wind.
For those who are caught in this current of turbulent air and confused by these new "findings," fear not. I encourage you to remember the truth of the Bible and to not be moved by the lies flying about like arrows of death.
Jesus is the Son of the Living God. (Matthew 3:16,17) He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. (Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:26-35) As the only sinless One, He took on the sins of all and paid the price on our behalf by dying on the cross so that we may have eternal life. (John 1:1, 14, 19:14-23,30, Hebrews 9:22) On the third day, He arose from the dead. (Mark 16:1-6) He bodily ascended into heaven, sits on the right hand of the Father, and makes intercession on our behalf. (Luke 24:51, Hebrews 10:12, 7:25)
As the celebration of Easter draws near, I feel led to reflect on the words of the angel in Matthew 28:5-6. "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said."
He has risen! He is alive. He is our mighty God.
Let's walk together as children of the resurrection, in victory, and yes, why not, in defiance against all this info hurling at us disguised as the new truth.
God Bless!