It is a strange thing, this compulsion to write -- with the vague hope that somebody might actually care enough to read it. It is even more strange typing without a word-processing program (this is not my own computer and lacks the tools I take for granted). I can't spell-check and don't even have a dictionary close. How do people function without dictionaries? The spell-check feature is a handy tool, but only a tool. A dictionary is almost like another limb. I feel handicapped without it.
I'm always struck by the wonder of creating with words. Poetry feeds some deep soul-hunger in me -- whether I am reading or writing it. I also delight in a wide range of prose. Working in a Bible Book Store, serving as Church Librarian, and trying to convince my wife that a new bookshelf is the best way to redecorate any room -- gives a hint of my love for reading. I want 48 hours a day for reading -- then as much again for writing. And of course, I want to be a model husband, father and grandfather at the same time.
I confess a sense of awe toward the mothers of young families who still carve out writing time. As a grampa with an empty nest, it seems to take a lot of self-discipline to find the time I crave. Yet what a priviledge.
The first two chapters of Genesis contain words that have always fascinated me. Repeated over and over we read: "God said . . . And it was so." Made in the image of God, there is a creative power in our words. What an awsome reality that is -- and what a responsibility. That said, I'm almost afraid to post this -- but -- there are other words in the Bible that fascinate me. In Paul's writings we read: "His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses." Since I qualify so well under those guidelines, and yet have been given gifts as well, I'll risk once more sharing the ramblings of my mind -- while trying to reign in those ramblings a bit and not run in too many directions at once.
What a wonder the writing life is. Frustrating at times, but if it is your calling, the BEST life.
1 comment:
Brian, check this out:
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