Wednesday, March 14, 2018

What Energizes You?

With a title like that images of the Energizer Bunny spring to mind. But I think for every writer, this is a valid question. What energizes you? What fills your tank so that you are able to do the hard slogging that is required as you work on that article or manuscript?

I think for each of us the answers may be different. Personally, I know there are a variety of things that fuel my passion for writing.

Positive feedback is certainly one of them. There's something quite unique about the feeling you get when you know your words have spoken deeply into someone's life. Imagine—your thoughts and words are valued and appreciated. That's special.

A second tank filler for me is the sense of community I get when I am with other writers. Wow! These people understand me. They understand my writer's lingo, sympathize with my angst, and cheer me on my small successes.

Writers' conferences are a great way to build that sense of community and recharge your batteries for months to come. The annual Ottawa Christian Writers' Conference has been doing that for me for the past number of years. This year's conference is on April 7th. Details can be found on the Word Guild website:

Finally, as Christian writers we undoubtedly draw inspiration from our Lord and Saviour. As we draw near to Him, our calling and vision becomes clear. In worship and prayer we find the great Source—the eternal Source that gives meaning and purpose to all our writing.

With the celebration of our Lord's great sacrifice drawing near, let's all spend some time drawing close to Him. He's the true energizer. I don't know about you, but from time to time I need a jolt of that resurrection energy.

David Kitz is an Ottawa-based writer and Bible dramatist. His Passion of Christ novel The Soldier Who Killed a King was voted the top book in biblical fiction by the Interviews and Reviews website.

1 comment:

Peter Black said...

Thanks David. I appreciate your points on those things that energize you as a writer. They're true to what I've experienced ever since I walked into my first Write! Canada Conference. Although I have missed being at writer's events for some time, I'm grateful and inspired when I receive positive or helpful instructive feedback to my humble writing efforts. This blogspace provides a community writing experience also, for which I'm grateful. ~~+~~

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