I am an agenda person.
I love my agenda. I have to have my agenda. Writing my plan for the next day, is
one of the last things I do before I drift off to dreamland. If I don’t have a
completed daily agenda, my day seems fractured and incomplete.
So last week, when my
day did NOT go as (I) planned, I contemplated going back to bed. But, instead,
I chose to whine. It was at that point that I noticed I had missed something a
day prior, when I returned from an out of town event. I had not heard about the
terrific winds that played havoc in our area. When I arrived home, the weather
had settled and I only learned about the unwelcome winds that gusted in my
absence after the fact, so I looked outside - straight ahead. All seemed well.
When I happened to step
on our back deck the next morning, I realized that I perhaps should have looked
left, too. Our portable canvas and metal storage shed that had stood solid for
four years, was now uprooted, upended and had obviously been lifted up in the
air, over the fence and was now upside down in the neighbour’s yard. The
contents were scattered and strewn. We hadn’t noticed and it seemed our lovely
neighbours hadn’t seen it, either.
But I sure did this
“God. Seriously? You
know how much I have to do today.”
My agenda was full. I
began to whine. Company was coming and the last thing I felt like doing that
day was battling with the bulky, mangled metal and canvas monstrosity. I had to
make meat pie and apple crisp. I needed to get my Dad up and I had deadlines. But
I also had to get outside and figure out what to do.
The neighbours weren't
answering the door. My husband wasn't answering his phone.
My moaning
“Why me, God? Why now,
Do all things without grumbling or complaining. Phillipians
That still small Voice
came a-whispering again.
“Glynis. Seriously?”
My mind drifted to James 1: 2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials
of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces
perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and
complete, not lacking anything.
Then I remembered Texas
and Florida, and Las Vegas and Somalia, lost children, exploited women,
persecuted men ... my silly mangled metal and scattered contents didn’t seem to
matter anymore.
I left a text message
for my hubby to call when he got a second. I got Dad up and ready to face the
day. He was up in good time and we weren’t in a rush. The telephone rang. My
husband would be home in a few hours. Just enough time to whip up a meat pie
and apple crisp. Company would be coming soon. The kettle was on.

Glynis lives, loves, laughs and does an awful lot of reading, writing, publishing and praying in her home office.
How thrilled Glynis is to be part of CHRISTMAS WITH HOT APPLE CIDER - an anthology filled with a wonderful assortment of Christmas short stories, memories, drama and poetry.