Last year as part of a small committee, we choose June 28th, 2015 for a public rededication of a pioneer cemetery on a green road in Queen's Bush country (Grey County). All was in order. We knew the road conditions would be a challenge, even though the township had worked diligently on the site. As well, unless people donned a sunhat, a sunny day without shade could be difficult. Plans for refreshments, horse-drawn shuttle into the location from the main road, porti-pottie tied to a tree, guest book, piper, preacher, etc. We had taken everything into account – even the weather, or so we thought. If the Farmer’s Almanac means anything, it was supposed to be sunny all weekend.
After a rainy week, we began to doubt that we could bring people to the bush for this event and after checking the forecast, we learned that between down-pours, there would be heavy cloud cover. This promised to be damp and soggy in the small cemetery in the bush. Plans were quickly changed and the nearest Presbyterian church opened its door for us. While dry, safe and warm, we enjoyed the worship with prayer, a men’s quartet, a cappella singing and speakers. When the piper played 'Amazing Grace', tears gathered in our eyes, in appreciation of being in this holy place while sharing in the spirit of pioneering through story and song.
We shake our heads in awe as in our disappointment of not being able to be in the bush, we are now thankful for the rain. We had expected a few relatives and local neighbours, and yet the church was filled with people: some attending as far away as from New York city, northern Michigan, London, Toronto and other places. To top off the day, the church extended their hospitality in serving us a meal at the end of the day in their fellowship hall.
Some of our family came for a BBQ on Saturday; we cooked and visited under the back veranda while the rain poured. My friend hosted a family reunion and didn’t have the privilege of having a ‘in-case-of-rain’ location arranged – it was a wet day for them, but the indoor games were awesome. Another friend attended a cottage with family and everyone was limited to the fireplace area, it was so raw and windy outside. But, the conversation and story telling was amazing. A Facebook friend posted pictures of a family wedding standing in a sheltered area . . . all smiling. It is what it is! Make the best of it. The best well-laid plans can go array. Find something for which to be grateful.

And while other provinces and
countries cry for rain, the lesson learned for me was to be thankful for small
mercies and be open to surprises.
"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:18). To be thankful is God’s will for us. I can remember when I first understood that I wasn’t expected to be thankful ‘for’ but ‘in’ all circumstances.
Blessings on you!
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