Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Write Canada is more than a professional networking conference. It’s a safe place where beginning and intermediate writers can learn and grow.

Write Canada provides a number of opportunities where writers can receive honest, constructive positive feedback on their writing. Here are four.

Blue Pencil Manuscript Review
This is a free service we recommend to all beginning and intermediate writers. Bring three pages of your best work to share with a writing professional. During a 15 minute one-on-one session this professional will read your piece and give you honest feedback. This is not meant to be an in-depth critique or a manuscript edit. Fifteen minutes is simply not enough time to offer that. But it will be constructive, verbal feedback based on what you have given them to read. Their comments will be encouraging because their goal is to help you grow as a writer. But they will also be honest because you cannot learn without that.

Intensive Workshops
Designed for intermediate writers—those who have a project completed or close to completion—an intensive workshop is an invaluable learning experience. It ensures you will receive an in-depth, personal critique by the instructor, and from every other participant in your workshop. Everyone will submit a portion of their work ahead of time and everyone—not just the instructor—will review each submission prior to the conference. So when you arrive at Write Canada you will have already gone through the submitted manuscripts, seen what works well & what doesn’t, and noted common strengths & mistakes. In class the instructor will review what’s been submitted and discuss writing techniques that will help each of you strengthen your manuscript.

Although the Fiction Intensive is closed, there’s still time to register for the Creative Non-Fiction Intensive.

Open Mic
Thursday and Friday evening there’s an opportunity to read five minutes worth of your writing to an attentive, positive audience of fellow writers. It’s a great way to connect with and support writers just like you, and to build your personal network. Only positive comments are allowed so no need to be shy.

Faculty Appointments & Speed Dating with an Editor
Pitch an idea, pitch a project, or just ask questions. A big part of becoming a successful writer is learning how to present yourself & your ideas, and how to connect with members of your profession. Write Canada brings together writers, editors, publishers and agents so that you can meet them face to face. And new this year: virtual appointments.

So plan ahead, study the faculty bios and websites. Use your appointment times wisely because although these professionals are here to meet you, you will only get one chance to make a first impression. Be sure editors, publishers and agents remember you for the right reasons.

To help you make the most of Speed dating with an Editor, there is a free pre-conference webinar, May 20, 2015, at 2 pm – 3 pm EDT. Sign up today! 

Jayne E. Self is Director Write Canada 2015

1 comment:

Peter Black said...

Thanks Jane. These hints for those planning to attend W! C are valuable. Although I won't be present, your mentioning these take me back to scenarios of workshops and one-on-ones at previous conferences that were truly helpful, instructional and enjoyable.~~+~~

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