R. A. Jaffray (Rob), born in Canada to Scottish
immigrants, entered the New York Missionary training Institute at age 20.
There, he came under the influence of A. B. Simpson, founder of the school.
Robert’s father, publisher of The Toronto Globe (forerunner to today’s Globe
and Mail), refused to finance his son’s education unless he agreed to attend a
Presbyterian school in Canada which could have led to a respectable ministerial
position. Rob’s heart was set on becoming a missionary to China and he longed
to sit under the tutelage of Simpson, one of the leaders of the missionary
revival and a man Rob’s father considered a zealot.
who suffered from diabetes and a heart problem, was an unlikely candidate for
missionary work in China. But, after working his way through the New York school,
he went to China in 1897 where he met and married missionary, Miss Minnie Donor, who had arrived in China two years earlier.
A fervent soul-winner,
Jaffray believed that churches should be established in every location where a
handful of believers lived. Soon after opening a church, Jaffray would
establish a Bible College to educate and train new converts for service. Next
to evangelizing and teaching, Jaffray believed in the power of the printed
most of his life he kept the presses rolling, turning out a ton of Christian
literature for distribution throughout the Orient. His publishing work was
carried on with a zeal amounting to a crusader’s passion. He had been reared in
an atmosphere never free of the smell of printer’s ink. The talk around the
table had been of newspapers, the power of printed ideas, the influence of the
press for good or evil, and he had not forgotten anything. (A. W. Tozer, Let My People Go)
Jaffray’s Bible Magazine was printed on good paper
using a professional layout. Best of all, its content was of the highest
quality. It was said of Jaffray that his pen was always moving. His writing
style was conversational. He wrote, not to gain a name for himself, but to
persuade readers and call them to action. Besides being principle writer, he
edited and published articles in many languages always being careful to be true
to the scriptures.
For many years, Jaffray
served as chairman of the South China field, pastor of the Wuchow church,
principle of the Bible School, head of the South China Press, editor of the Bible
Magazine and coordinator of mission activity on the field. Jaffray went to
Vietnam and Indonesia where he established Bible Schools and printing
operations. His goal was to equip Christians so they could work independently
of foreign missionaries. Like first century Christians, Jaffray witnessed many
miracles in his ministry.
Duringthe depression when money for missions
had dwindled, Jaffray received his inheritance which he used to fund the work. At
an age when most people retired, God called him to the West Indies. His pen and
his presses went with him.
In 1938, with the Second World War looming,
Jaffray, nearing the end of a year’s furlough, said, “If I do not go back now,
there is little likelihood I can ever go back at all. I must return to the Far
East. I want to die out there where my life has been.” His words proved
prophetic. The Japanese captured him. He spent a year in a camp with his wife
and daughter and then was moved to a men’s camp, a former pig farm. On July 29,
1945, a short time before the war ended, Robert Jaffray died of starvation
while lying on a prison cot in the Toradja Mountains of Indonesia.
Four years before his death, R. A. Jaffray, with
skilful pen, wrote:
“One day it
will all be finished, and the weary feet, all scarred and bleeding will cross
the last mountain, tread the last trail, reach the last tribe and win the last
soul. Then He Himself will exclaim, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’ Let
us keep our eyes steadily upon the goal. For when we hear the shout from the
skies, all else will fade into utter insignificance. Ere long the Lord will
descend from heaven with a shout. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”(A. W. Tozer, Let My People Go)

Dear Rose, What an inspiring blog. Thank you for sharing Rob Jaffrey's story. Thank you.
What a great way to honour a pioneer in the faith!
I'm glad you found Rob Jaffrey's story inspiring. It's important to remember some from that great cloud of witnesses who paved the way for so many to share the gospel.
Thank you Rose. Your telling of Rob't Jaffrey's story truly inspired me.
His latter days, while deeply tragic, ring with the triumph of grace and faith in his expression written those four years prior to his home-call to glory (hmm ... moving and humbling!). ~~+~~
Jaffrey's own words are really moving aren't they Peter? His whole life was dedicated to giving the gospel, and ultimately it cost him his life.
Powerful story, Rose. I will be reposting this to my 17,000 social media followers. I heard about Robert Jaffrey through my interest in AB Simpson, but never knew about the Globe and Mail connection. Here is the link for my AB Simpson article. https://edhird.com/2010/05/21/ab-simpson-an-unsung-hero/ Have you heard of AB Simpson's right-hand man, another Canadian Dr. Henry Wilson https://edhird.com/2010/06/01/dr-henry-wilson-ab-simpsons-right-hand-man/
Ed Hird+
Rose, I just reposted it on my two Facebook accounts, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and LinkedIn.
Hi Ed - I don't know a lot about A. B. Simpson and I've never heard of Dr. Henry Wilson. But, I will for sure read your articles. It encourages the present-day church to read the stories of great men and women who gave all of their energies to sharing the gospel. Thanks for sharing Jaffrey's story. Rose
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