Looking for a place to feel inspired and challenged? Like to share a smile or a laugh? Interested in becoming more familiar with Canadian writers who have a Christian worldview? We are writers who live in different parts of Canada, see life from a variety of perspectives, and write in a number of genres. We share the goal of wanting to entertain and inspire you to be all you can be with God's help.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Finding New Ways to Live Through a Storm/MANN
What do you do when your sky is blue, but you can see a storm coming? Hunker down in the closest safe place? Hide until the worst is over? Maybe or perhaps you decide to confront the storm, put on your rain hat and coat, and what about those rubber boots regardless of style. And remember there is still common sense even in challenges. My grandpa Alf would say, "Don't stand under a tree in a storm."
Life is a little like that, at least mine is. Whenever the storms of life invade my safe and tranquil plans, they create uncertainly and their own level of chaos. There are times I want to forget about rising to the challenge or chasing the eye of the storm, and run for cover.
Writers for instance may want to write, but fear paralyzes. Many talk how they write through their fear to allow creativity to flow. Learning something new can be so intimidating we might decide not to do it.
"Fear is neither good nor bad—it’s simply an emotional weather vane that lets us know where we are meeting or anticipating challenge" (Sage Cohen/Reader's Digest).
Perhaps it's important to decide if what you want to do is worth persisting and finding a way through it. It was Mae West who said, 'Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache.' That's a huge statement, but those of us who have lived through some pretty heavy duty storms know that when we are loved and have reason to love, we are given the tenacity to press on.
Some time ago a friend who had practiced and prepared for a concert, stumbled on a path and broke her wrist. She could not play her Sonata, but she read a poem that she'd previously written. Her love to share her gift of creativity in word rather than with a piano was graciously received. She obviously overcame the dark clouds in her life.
I like to think some storms give opportunity to wear a different coloured rain hat or spiffy green rubber boots.
I Corinthians 13:13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
donnamann.org (all books available through website)
Agnes Macphail series: Brucedale Press or Independant Bookstores
Little Red Barn Children's Stories:
A Rare Find: Difficult years of a Canadian Midwife - Amazon + Indie Bookstores
WinterGrief: Personal Response to Grief -
Amazon + Indie Bookstores
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Committed to the Call - Tracy Krauss
I am
always amused when I hear people say, “Oh, I’d like to write a book someday,”
as if writing a book is something they can just decide to do when the
mood strikes. My question is, “Do you write right now?” If the answer is ‘No’
then their chances of actually writing that book are slim.
see, in my experience, writing isn’t something you glibly pick up because you have nothing better to do. Writers write – they can’t help
themselves. It’s like asking a fish not to swim or a dog not to wag its tail.
It's just something we do.
When I
considered this month’s prompt on commitment, it got me thinking about committing to writing
as a ministry. First and foremost, as Christians we must be committed to God. “You
shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.” Matthew
But what
about using our writing as a way to love and serve God with our whole hearts,
souls and minds?
are many who feel that Christians who write have a calling on their lives much
like that of a missionary or a pastor. I whole-heartedly agree. Our words can minister, encourage, teach and exhort - even if we're not writing devotional books. I am primarily a fiction author, and I've been blessed to receive reader feedback telling me how one book or another met a need, or encouraged someone. I’ve had readers tell me that they lent or gave copies of a book to a
friend because they felt the intrinsic message would be just what that person needed to hear. What a blessing! I thank God that He has seen fit to use my humble offerings in this way.
This kind of feedback has often come at just the right time in my life, as well. It's easy to get discouraged about low book sales or a bad review. Sometimes the negative voices in my head tell me my words
are meaningless and shallow, and it's pointless to continue. Then God sends a little word of encouragement in the form of an email, note, or comment online. Someone's words encourage the crafter of words and I remember that I'm not in this writing thing for the short term. I'll be writing to an audience of one with or without sales or reviews.
God has called each of us to
serve Him in our own unique way. Don’t compare yourself to what others are
doing. Instead, commit yourself to the writing work that God has given you to do and let Him do the rest.
Tracy Krauss writes from her home in British Columbia. She has been blessed to see several plays, novels, short stories, and other work in print. http://tracykrauss.com
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Three Reasons I Keep Coming Back to Write Canada
The Teaching
I don’t have a university degree in English. I don’t have
the time or resources to go back to school right now. In fact, for the most part
I guess you could say I’m self-taught writer—no pun intended. But one thing I
do is attend Write Canada. Every year I embrace the opportunity to learn from
some of the best writing teachers in North America. I’ve learned about writing,
self-editing, promotion, professionalism, and career building—all in small,
comfortable classes where faculty take the time to answer my questions and
learn my name. And through the mentoring I’ve received as a Write Canada
volunteer I have gained skills and experience I would never have managed on my
The Networking
By nature I’m a shy person. Write Canada has given me a safe
place to grow. At Write Canada I’ve learned how to approach and connect with
industry professionals and grow a career. The confidence I’ve built through this
process has positively impacted all areas of my life. Never, never would I have imagined that one day
I would dare speak to, let alone stand and laugh with such Christian writing greats
as Ted Dekker.
The Support
Writing can be lonely. But at Write Canada I have made
friends—the kind of friends that will last a lifetime. They’re fellow writers
who understand my struggles. They celebrate my successes and mourn my
disappointments with me. They pray for me. And I am honoured to do the same for
them. Because of the community I joined by attending Write Canada, I know I am
truly never alone.
God has used Write Canada to make me the person I am today.
Let Him use Write Canada to shape your life, too.
Don't wait. If you haven't already--Register Today! Write Canada 2015.
Don't wait. If you haven't already--Register Today! Write Canada 2015.
Jayne E. Self is Director Write Canada 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
She Laughs in the Face of Fear-by Heidi McLaughlin
nausea was relentless. As if that wasn’t enough; my heart was pounding like a
jack hammer and I felt light headed and disoriented. Claws of fear clutched at
my throat and heart. This ugly fear was determined to stop me dead in my tracks
and sabotage my first big speaking engagement. I believed with all my heart
that God had prepared me and orchestrated this weekend Conference for me to
inspire hundreds of women to become the women of influence that God had created
them to be. Yet, here I was the one disabled and fearful and not able to step
into this divine God appointed opportunity.
I decided
to take a long, hot shower; perhaps that would stop my beating heart. As the
searing hot water hit me from all angles it became glaringly clear to me; fear
was the invisible enemy determined to stop me from bringing messages of love
and hope and cross our wonderful nation of Canada. Then I got angry and
declared out loud, “Fear, you are not going
to steal my joy. I declare in the powerful name of Jesus that I will not give
in to this fear but instead I will boldly go into the Conference and speak with
a Godly confidence, and joy. I will not let the enemy of fear sabotage my God
given appointment.” My heart stopped its persistent beating, and with a new
resolve I dressed in a snappy outfit and stepped out into the world with
confidence and joy.
shower monologue was a defining, hallmark moment for me. I saw fear for what it
was; an invisible rehearsal of a negative
future trying to stop me from fulfilling my God given purpose. Fear is a
deceitful, enemy that can make us feel powerless. If we don’t recognize it and
learn to “walk through it”; it can stop us from fulfilling our purpose in life
and all those wonderful things God has available to us for our pleasure and
If you
and I are going to be God influencers we need to learn to identify fear. Yes, there is good
fear; the kind that tells us to look both ways before crossing the street; but
there is a slavish fear that the bible says, “that spirit is not given us of God.”[1] Slavish fear is the kind
that paralyzes our imagination, robs us of our self-respect and swallows up our
purpose in life. I choose to be a woman of influence as described in the bible:
“She is clothed with strength and
dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future” (Prov. 31:25 NLT).
What are
you afraid of? It is very empowering and healthy to write down all our fears;
look them in the eye and tell them that they will no longer have any power over
you. Beyond
our fear lies our greatest power. Instead, look to God and ask Him to
give you the strength to push through that fear, so that you can move into
becoming that beautiful woman of influence I believe you were designed to be.
McLaughlin lives in the beautiful vineyards of the Okanagan Valley in Kelowna,
British Columbia. She is married to Pastor Jack and they have a wonderful,
eclectic blended family of 5 children and 9 grandchildren. When Heidi is not
working, she loves to curl up with a great book, or golf and laugh with her
husband and special friends. You can reach her at: www.heartconnection.ca
[1] Heidi McLaughlin, Sand to
Pearls: Making BOLD Choices to Enrich Your Life (Sisters, Oregon: Deep
River Books, 2010), 149.
Canadian Christian speaker,
God's power,
invisible enemy,
Sunday, May 17, 2015
SING, SOUL, AND WRITE by Susan Harris
To what would we have turned in our low times had David had
not written about his experiences?
When he was down, David created songs and poems to encourage
himself, to take his soul back to that place of quiet in God. In Psalm 43:5
he speaks to his soul: "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed
within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my
God." (NIV)
David's words, the Psalms, have taken gazillions to the
highest place of worship they have experienced. The Psalms comfort, lead and
offer hope.
A few days ago I was feeling discouraged. I could hardly wait for my husband to get home so I could recount in detail the unfairness that had befallen me, and absorb more of the sympathy that had
already travelled through his text messages and brief phone calls. Until then, I had hours
to lie on my bed and rehash the goings-on of the day.
But the Lord had plans other than self-pity, so He
brought Psalm 32:3 to my mind. "When I kept silent, my bones wasted away
through my groaning all day long" (NIV). I was surrounded by silence. And contemplation. If silence ate at David's bones and rendered him desolate, would it not do the same to mine? Crush my energy and zeal to powder so that I'd become weak and bitter? Silence was my enemy, and doing nothing was its right-hand man.
The nudge was gentle but I was as convicted as if I had done
the most heinous crime. I must combat this silence and encourage my soul. I went
into my bathroom with its three-way mirror where there was no hiding. “Lord, restore my
joy. I don't want to replay anything that’s past, in my mind.” Then I watched my
reflection, hair slightly tousled from lying down, makeup still intact from
dressing for the said episode that had induced the injustice, and I spoke to myself,
“Soul, let’s sing to the Lord.”
Literally, in about five seconds energy burst within me and
the listlessness evaporated. I turned to YouTube and searched for the worship songs
that were bubbling in my spirit. My themes that evening were on Alpha and Omega, He
Who Is And Is To Come, my Heavenly Father and Omnipotent Saviour, God My
Creator. While the songs played, I opened my computer and typed the details of
the incident, then transcribed a story about my cat that I had recorded as a
voice memo on my phone on the same day the incident occurred.
The themes that revived me may not mean a fig to you, and the timeframe may be longer. But the songs of YOUR heart will combat discouragement that threatens to steal your peace, your confidence in yourself, God and in people around you. Be like David and create your psalms. And write. For as his words were health to his bones and ours, your words will heal both you and another.
The themes that revived me may not mean a fig to you, and the timeframe may be longer. But the songs of YOUR heart will combat discouragement that threatens to steal your peace, your confidence in yourself, God and in people around you. Be like David and create your psalms. And write. For as his words were health to his bones and ours, your words will heal both you and another.
(Background photo credit above - Free Digital Photos)
SUSAN HARRIS is the author of six books and her work has
appeared in several other publications.
speak to your soul.,
Thursday, May 14, 2015
A Great Day—Thirty Years in the Making
At the close of the day as I am settling into bed, I like to
review the events of the day. I enjoy recalling all that has taken place.
Usually there are many things to thank God for. I ask myself what I have
accomplished. If the list of completed tasks is long, I feel particularly
gratified. If the list is short and I feel overwhelmed with unfinished work,
rest may not come as easily.
night as I lay my head on the pillow I had a lot to be thankful for. The day
had been full of accomplishments. The work day began with a twenty minute taxi
ride from our former home in Nagakute, Japan to Kinjo Gakuin University in
Nagoya. Arriving early, my wife and I had time for a relaxed prayer time in the
Bible Garden and a short stroll about campus in the morning sunshine.
enough it was time to deliver my ‘guest lecture’ to about thirty students in Professor
Kawahara’s translation class. What a lot of fun that was! It began with me
doing a storytelling of my book, Little Froggy Explores the BIG World. That’s
always loads of fun with lots of actions and amusing sounds to make. That was
followed by an explanation of how Little Froggy was born in Japan,
raised in Canada and was turned into a picture book there. Finally, there was a
question and answer session. The university students had many fascinating
questions about how to translate this book into Japanese. My wife, Karen, was
able to help when I was stumped by a few questions.
After thirty years Little
Froggy had returned home to Japan at last where his story was being
translated into Japanese. What an honour!
entire visit to Kinjo Gakuin University was a superb experience. Visiting with Professor
Kawahara and two of his graduate students after class was a special treat. Later
we caught a ride home with Matthew Taylor, who I had led to the Lord as a young
man more than thirty years ago while we were living here in Japan. It was great
to see him and listen to his heart and his struggles as he has remained
faithful to the Lord while living in Japan ever since that time. The Lord has
kept him through thick and thin.
spent the evening in worship at the Christian Life midweek service. A guest
speaker from Israel gave a praise report about how the Japanese church is
building bridges between Christians and Jewish immigrants to Israel. What an
amazing example of the gospel at work in the world across cultures!
At the close of the service a woman approached
me to say I had been the reason she came to Christian Life Church thirty years
ago. She heard of me due to a one-time visit to an English class. Later she
tried to search me out, but I had already returned to Canada. In a small way I
had been instrumental in her coming to faith and I had no knowledge of her
story until last night.
I closed my eyes, I had so much to be thankful for. Sometimes a great day is
thirty years in the making.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Commitment Rewarded Ruth Smith Meyer
“It’s so nice to hear you read again,” Irene whispered after
my bi-weekly reading at the Seniors Day Centre.
That comment warms my heart and verifies the value of my hour spent with
five to eight participants. Several of
the faithful ones are extra thankful for my readings because they can no longer
see well enough to read. They all enjoy the expression of my reading voice and
the enthusiasm I portray.
Usually I start off with an inspirational clip I’ve gleaned
from magazines or from the internet, or perhaps a few jokes or humourous
stories. At first I used only short stories, pieces from old readers or
whatever I could find that would be of interest to them. I included some of my own writings and
articles. When they found out I had
written books, they asked if I would read those to them too. I was concerned that with reading only every
other week, they wouldn’t remember where I left off. They soon nixed that
misconception! When I asked if they
remembered where we left off, they were quite able to tell me. In fact when I
lost my book mark one week, and by mistake started where I had read the time
before, they soon let me know they had heard that before.
Two or three chapters at a time, we read the entire book of Not Easily Broken. They seemed to thoroughly enjoy the life of
Ellie and her offspring. I was going to
give them a break and use other materials for a while, but they begged to start
on the sequel right away. Now we’re
almost half way through Not Far from the
The whole experience is not only rewarding to me, but it
teaches me over and over again that committing to a few minutes out of our busy
schedules can bring such pleasure and satisfaction to others.

That’s the way it is with commitment. There’s usually some giving up of other things we have done with our time,
there’s some hard slugging, sometimes we’d like to quit, but if we keep on
keeping on, continue the task through the hard or busy times, it comes rolling
back with waves of blessing.
Write Canada is more than a professional networking
conference. It’s a safe place where beginning and intermediate writers can learn
and grow.
Write Canada provides a number of opportunities where
writers can receive honest, constructive positive feedback on their writing.
Here are four.
Blue Pencil Manuscript Review
This is a free service we recommend to all beginning and
intermediate writers. Bring three pages of your best work to share with a writing
professional. During a 15 minute one-on-one session this professional will read
your piece and give you honest feedback. This is not meant to be an in-depth
critique or a manuscript edit. Fifteen minutes is simply not enough time to
offer that. But it will be constructive, verbal feedback based on what you have
given them to read. Their comments will be encouraging because their goal is to
help you grow as a writer. But they will also be honest because you cannot
learn without that.
Intensive Workshops
Designed for intermediate writers—those who have a project
completed or close to completion—an intensive workshop is an invaluable
learning experience. It ensures you will receive an in-depth, personal critique
by the instructor, and from every other participant in your workshop. Everyone
will submit a portion of their work ahead of time and everyone—not just the
instructor—will review each submission prior to the conference. So when you
arrive at Write Canada you will have already gone through the submitted
manuscripts, seen what works well & what doesn’t, and noted common strengths
& mistakes. In class the instructor will review what’s been submitted and discuss
writing techniques that will help each of you strengthen your manuscript.
Although the Fiction Intensive is closed, there’s still time
to register for the Creative Non-Fiction Intensive.
Open Mic
Thursday and Friday evening there’s an opportunity to read
five minutes worth of your writing to an attentive, positive audience of fellow
writers. It’s a great way to connect with and support writers just like you, and
to build your personal network. Only positive comments are allowed so no need
to be shy.
Faculty Appointments & Speed Dating with an Editor
Pitch an idea, pitch a project, or just ask questions. A big
part of becoming a successful writer is learning how to present yourself &
your ideas, and how to connect with members of your profession. Write Canada
brings together writers, editors, publishers and agents so that you can meet them
face to face. And new this year: virtual appointments.
So plan ahead, study the faculty bios and websites. Use your
appointment times wisely because although these professionals are here to meet
you, you will only get one chance to make a first impression. Be sure editors,
publishers and agents remember you for the right reasons.
Jayne E. Self is Director Write Canada 2015
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