In 1992, my tree-loving husband planted a nut grove of quite
a variety of edible nuts. He thought it conceived
it as a retirement project. He enjoyed
trimming and caring for trees and experimenting with the best ways to help them
grow. The first fruits came in 1999 when
the hazelnuts bore quite a crop in the month before he died in October. We put baskets of the nuts along with
pictures and other memorabilia at the visitation, inviting others to take a few
and plant them in his memory.

How like our lives when we don’t pay close attention to what
is filling our time and taking our energy.
For a few years, my focus was on my writing. Gradually, other things worked their way into
my life until my writing was relegated to the few days I could fit in any given
month. With my husband’s hospitalization
and many medical appointments, it became hours instead of days. Oh the thoughts and ideas still held a large
space in my mind and heart, but the actual writing was almost obscured by the
undergrowth and the larger activities that grew around the focal interest in my

The nut grove has become an illustration of what I need to
be constantly aware in my day to day living.
Right now it may take a major time of sorting out and discarding, but if
I do that, I will do more writing again.
Some interruptions may be legitimate and necessary, but if I am more
conscious of each demand on my time and discard the less necessary as soon as
they appear, I will be able to maintain the integrity of the purpose of my
In this busy world, I probably am not the only one with this
Thank you for sharing this lovely story, Ruth.
I identify strongly with your point about the need to overcome the encroachment of numerous things that crop up and distract us from our focus (in our case, pressing on with our writing work).
Being focused to our work is the most sensible thing to undertake. for us to finish it well and to prevent us from making nonsense things :) God bless!
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