Thursday, November 19, 2009

Holy Way – Lawrence

(This was first published on my website as a meditation in October 2007 under the title Wilderness Highway.)

A highway shall be there [in the wilderness], and it shall be called the Holy Way; …it shall be for God’s people, no traveler…shall go astray. Isaiah 35:8

For the last few days, I have been thinking about this wilderness highway that Isaiah speaks of and wondering what it means for us. When we (God’s people) are in a wilderness or difficult situation, a highway appears for us. This highway is called the Holy Way and Isaiah tells us that no traveler on this road shall go astray.

This highway is owned by God and is a way of spiritual pilgrimage where we grow to spiritual maturity and holiness as we go through life’s difficulties and joys. As long as we keep to this path that is provided we will not go astray.

The Holy Way is a free way for God’s people. There are no tolls to be paid to walk on this road; it is an open highway for all who call themselves God’s people and who desire to walk in God’s way and grow in God’s Spirit.

The Holy Way may come under attack and into disrepair but it is continually being defended and repaired by the prayers of God’s people and the Word of God. We, who are God’s people, help to keep this road in good repair by keeping in daily prayer and communication with God; by reading God’s word and listening to God’s voice.

In the Old Testament, we read of the prophet, Elisha, being surrounded by an enemy army. His assistant saw the enemy and was afraid. Elisha saw the enemy but also saw God’s army on the surrounding hillside. Those who are with us are more than are with them, Elisha told his assistant. He asked God to open the assistant’s eyes so that he could see what Elisha saw and trust in God.

The army of God’s love surrounds us. We have to learn to trust in that surrounding presence in order to overcome our fear and walk the Holy Way in safety. In partnership with God and God’s people we keep the road in good repair, mending the rough spots on the road as we go. The materials for the repairs are given to us in our daily time with God—our prayers, our Bible reading, our devotional reading, our contrition and forgiveness.

This is the spiritual way that we travel day by day on the journey of life. We face each joy and each danger with open eyes upon the Lord and listening ears upon God’s word. We walk the Holy Way in faithfulness so that we do not go astray.


Peter Black said...

Wonderful meditation,Judith,
and you shed a lovely light on Isaiah 35:8, bringing it together beautifully with the Elisha account.

Judith Lawrence said...

Peter, thank you for your continued faithfulness in commenting on your fellow writers' blogs.

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