It's already February and the year is going on six weeks old. How are you doing with all those goals and resolutions you so bravely (or foolishly?) dreamed up and wrote down when 2009 was in its infancy?
Here's a tongue-in-cheek view of what so often happens to mine, although I must admit I've made some progress this year thanks to a very helpful online course called Defeat Self-Defeating Behaviors taught by psychologist and writer Margie Lawson. (The course is done but you can purchase the lecture packs any time. From Margie Lawson's home page, click on "Lecture Packs" - left sidebar, then "Defeat Self-Defeating Behaviors.")
January, February ...
It's January, all must change
my resolutions cry it!
I'll clean the cupboards, shine the glass
completely change my diet.
The constant list of things I need
has changed from Christmas treats
to organizers, storage boxes
and a set of sheets.
It's February, nothing's changed
the bathroom scales decry it
(that frozen stash of Christmas treats
has sabotaged my diet).
The hopeful list of things I pledged
discreetly tucked away --
ten months to do just as I please
until next New Year's Day!
© 2004 by Violet Nesdoly
Web presence:
Personal blog promptings
Writerly blog Line upon line
Children's devotions blog Bible Drive-Thru
Hah! Violet,
You woke me up from my stupor (let's downgrade that to 'slumber')of serious thought, and cracked my face with smile by your poem. And good old rhythm and rhyme, too.
Love it!
Thank you, Peter (she says, as she enjoys a bit of chocolate with her afternoon cup of coffee)!
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