The great strength of his position is the folly of the materialists. Beauregard continually draws attention to the scientifically dubious basis of their leap of faith. They argue that it must be so and then set about proving it. Their triumphalism - driven by big publishing deals - is their greatest weakness.The nicest thing about a review like Appleyard's is that, agree or disagree, he sees what WE see - plenty of bumph marketed as the "assured results of modern science."
There are plenty of examples ...
As applied to neuroscience, Mario Beauregard and I call it "neurobullshipping."
The thing is, many people don't realize how weak most of the materialist contentions are.
By the way, the Philly Inquirer recently published a review of Mike Behe's Edge of Evolution that identified the book's argument, instead of attempting to discourage anyone from reading it.
And re Appleyard: here is a link to Appleyard's review of Frank Tipler. He agrees with me in finding Tipler interesting - more interesting in his sheer eccentricity as a Christian materialist (!) than many dull drudges who churn out approved sludge.
Also at Mindful Hack:
Yes, Mario Beauregard and Denyse O'Leary really ARE non-materialists. And we utter worse heresies yet ...
Dutch expert on near death experiences loves The Spiritual Brain.
Monk-led protest against Myanmar generals' regime now under heavy assault
Why brain scans cannot tell whether you are religious or not
Smart birds spur scientists to rethink intelligence
And finally, at the Post-Darwinist: The universe next door: Buddhists confront science - and materialism If you are a Christian and want to talk to others about your faith, it pays to be aware of how different the universe might look to them. This column, originally in ChristianWeek, offers a look at the Buddhist perspective.
Note: I am blogging today in place of Paul Boge, who will return shortly.
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