Looking for a place to feel inspired and challenged? Like to share a smile or a laugh? Interested in becoming more familiar with Canadian writers who have a Christian worldview? We are writers who live in different parts of Canada, see life from a variety of perspectives, and write in a number of genres. We share the goal of wanting to entertain and inspire you to be all you can be with God's help.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Breaking Through - DONNA MANN
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign by Glynis M. Belec

life, lately, has consisted of quite a few speaking engagements and I am really
starting to think that my friend was right when she told me that God had a plan
for me and she felt it involved some kind of a speaking ministry. I'd bucked the idea at first but now I seem to be settling in nicely to the speaking circuit. I've had five opportunities to speak this year already with three more coming up. Sure, I’ve
always been a bit of a drama queen so am no stranger to the stage, but in the
past, any appearance in front of an audience, has been scripted.
One of
the topics that I speak on is titled – Using My Words. I haul in a plethora of
signs that I have scattered all around my home. When I first started doing this
I was actually amazed. I didn’t realize I was so literally obsessed with words.
And those are just the portable words. I also have Word Art – which include
different sayings and these are strategically scattered on the walls throughout
our home, too.
If I
had to share some of my favourites – they might include the following:
1. Trust me child. I have it all under control. Love God.
sign was given to me by one of my students. Well his mama selected it randomly
two weeks prior to the day that I was diagnosed with cancer. She thought it a
silly gift at first but oh, how that sign kept me focused and staid on the eyes
of Christ.
2. My sister bought this sign for me and it is such a reminder
to me in this busy noisy world to take time to Be Still and Know that HE is God! Psalm 46:10
3. Determination –
that’s me; sometimes it gets me into trouble but if I have something on my mind
– I do it!
Proverbs 15:1
7. Drama Queen – can’t help it.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Satisfaction - Tracy Krauss
I have always been interested in personality types and finding out what makes people 'tick'. It is so fascinating to think that God hardwired each one of us in our own unique way. I've taken many different tests and surveys over the years and enjoy seeing how my intuition usually lines up with the test results. For instance, I know that I do not like numbers, filling out forms, or having to follow a sequence of steps too closely. I'm all about the creative process and I prefer a broad framework within which to work.
This month's theme is 'Fulfillment'. In other words, what brings the most satisfaction. It is my belief that true fulfillment only comes from the Lord. Having said that, He made us in His own creative image and delights to see us finding pleasure in our daily lives. One of my favourite verses, Ecclesiastics 3: 11 - 13, says:
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God." (NIV)
What brings you the most fulfillment?
This month's theme is 'Fulfillment'. In other words, what brings the most satisfaction. It is my belief that true fulfillment only comes from the Lord. Having said that, He made us in His own creative image and delights to see us finding pleasure in our daily lives. One of my favourite verses, Ecclesiastics 3: 11 - 13, says:
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God." (NIV)
What brings you the most fulfillment?
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
In Stitches - Kathleen Gibson
I'm sewing again, for the first time in eons.
It started with a trip to the store to buy six kitchen chair cushions – and a trip from the store without any kitchen chair cushions. “I refuse to pay $15.99 apiece for cushions I like, let alone ones I don’t,” I told the Preacher later.
Back home, I dug out some leftover upholstery material and an unused memory foam mattress topper stored in the basement. I’d kept both for years, sure I’d use them – one day. Then from the depths of the hall closet I mined the third part of the equation: my almost-antique Elna sewing machine, buried under kids' puzzles and a toy doctor’s kit. Solid steel and obedient as a steed, last time I used it.
Old Iron Horse needed cleaning and oiling, but after that, it galloped smoothly around the cushion fabric; straight to the finish line each time. A day and a half later, I didn’t have a weekly column written, but my family sat on new chair cushions and a matching runner sat on our table. Placemats, already cut, wait for another weekend.
When our marriage was young, and the children too, I sewed plenty. Raised by two creative parents, I learned early in life that few things are as rewarding as using your own hands to bring form and substance from something lacking in both. I took the same pleasure in a finished sewing project as I have done for years in a finished article or book.
Something unexpected happened during the stitching of those cushions. Amidst the hum of my machine and the crunch of scissors biting through fabric; between enjoying the feel of fabric slipping through my fingers and the sight of each completed cushion, I remembered how I once loved sewing. How its monotony hollowed out a sacred space for thought. Stilled me.
I can't say when it happened. But somewhere along the writing path I’ve followed with such passion for so long, I have subconsciously bought into a falsity: that creating a beautiful pile of words is worth more in God’s eyes than any other activity I (or my neighbor) could do with a pure heart and honest intent. I am wrong, and I needed the Iron Horse to remind me.
We revere the arts, both in society and our churches. We call God the Consummate Artist and vault musicians, artists, writers, worship leaders and their works to unattainable heights of favour. We are wrong there too. God is indeed a Consummate Artist, but scripture reveals him as Consummate
Everything. Surely then, all we do with a spirit consistent and true to the Son of God in us, is equally valuable in his eyes.
What are you up to, fellow Christ-follower? Plumbing, teaching, building, crafting, cooking, serving? Whatever God leads you to, do it for his glory. And never forget: his smile rests on you.
I will spend this weekend too, in stitches.
It started with a trip to the store to buy six kitchen chair cushions – and a trip from the store without any kitchen chair cushions. “I refuse to pay $15.99 apiece for cushions I like, let alone ones I don’t,” I told the Preacher later.
Back home, I dug out some leftover upholstery material and an unused memory foam mattress topper stored in the basement. I’d kept both for years, sure I’d use them – one day. Then from the depths of the hall closet I mined the third part of the equation: my almost-antique Elna sewing machine, buried under kids' puzzles and a toy doctor’s kit. Solid steel and obedient as a steed, last time I used it.
Old Iron Horse needed cleaning and oiling, but after that, it galloped smoothly around the cushion fabric; straight to the finish line each time. A day and a half later, I didn’t have a weekly column written, but my family sat on new chair cushions and a matching runner sat on our table. Placemats, already cut, wait for another weekend.
When our marriage was young, and the children too, I sewed plenty. Raised by two creative parents, I learned early in life that few things are as rewarding as using your own hands to bring form and substance from something lacking in both. I took the same pleasure in a finished sewing project as I have done for years in a finished article or book.
Something unexpected happened during the stitching of those cushions. Amidst the hum of my machine and the crunch of scissors biting through fabric; between enjoying the feel of fabric slipping through my fingers and the sight of each completed cushion, I remembered how I once loved sewing. How its monotony hollowed out a sacred space for thought. Stilled me.
I can't say when it happened. But somewhere along the writing path I’ve followed with such passion for so long, I have subconsciously bought into a falsity: that creating a beautiful pile of words is worth more in God’s eyes than any other activity I (or my neighbor) could do with a pure heart and honest intent. I am wrong, and I needed the Iron Horse to remind me.
We revere the arts, both in society and our churches. We call God the Consummate Artist and vault musicians, artists, writers, worship leaders and their works to unattainable heights of favour. We are wrong there too. God is indeed a Consummate Artist, but scripture reveals him as Consummate
Everything. Surely then, all we do with a spirit consistent and true to the Son of God in us, is equally valuable in his eyes.
What are you up to, fellow Christ-follower? Plumbing, teaching, building, crafting, cooking, serving? Whatever God leads you to, do it for his glory. And never forget: his smile rests on you.
I will spend this weekend too, in stitches.
Author, newspaper columnist, broadcaster and speaker, Kathleen Gibson lives in Saskatchewan, Canada. Find her online, on Facebook, and sometimes behind her sewing machine.
God's favour,
God's glory,
the arts,
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Trained to Write by SUSAN HARRIS
They are likely the most washed parts of our bodies.
They touch, lift and help. And trump voice recognition software when it comes to the craft. The overwhelming majority of writers
type their work-with fingers. Some still grip pens. Hands and fingers have been, and continue to
be, the main reliance for writing.
Have you considered the specific anointing that rests on your hands? How the Lord our Rock equips us with strength and skill as we touch fingers to keyboard?
Have you considered the specific anointing that rests on your hands? How the Lord our Rock equips us with strength and skill as we touch fingers to keyboard?
In Psalm 144:1 we read, "Blessed be the Lord my Rock,
who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle." (NKJV). As He
trained the psalmist David to fight fair and well using his hands, He invests
in our writing as we use our hands. Imagine- trained by God Himself to write!
I've worked in the training department of several
organizations, engaging in new training, cross training and re-training. I was trained as a high school teacher and even took
"Train the Trainer" courses in health-related fields. But few certificates are as
effective as the whispers I receive for writing from the corporate body of Heaven.
As I
pick my way with two fingers over a keyboard, looking at every key before
pressing it, my thumb and pointer move swiftly (I think at 35 wpm,) the supernatural
training springs from within, it's source from above. Fingers battle
against discouragement as I type chapters of inspirations and posts of hope. Fingers find
the spots where research waits; the Bible verses that will break bondage. Hands
war against injustice and despair, and carry out the tasks throughout
publication and into the market. Hands shake other hands, sign
books, and are quick to assist another. I've never attended a writer's conference (I volunteered at the registration desk of the SWG conference for four hours) yet I've been invited to host publishing workshops at the provincial level. Armed with the output I received from my Heavenly Trainer.
Fellow writers, we are tasked to "call the things that are not as so they are" (Romans 4:17), through the creation of formal iterature. We are to pen them for
the time in which we live and the genres in which our words fit. Father God
has blessed our hands and fingers to write for His glory, and what He has blessed
no one can un-bless. May your confidence be unshakeable as you war in the literary
SUSAN HARRIS is the author of six books and her work has appeared
in several other publications.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Father, Forgive Them
We are in a forty day march toward Easter—the most significant event in human history. During the season of Lent, there is great value in reflecting on the significance and meaning of the cross. What would it have been like to be there—to have witnessed the death of Jesus on the cross?
In my novel, The Soldier, the Terrorist and the Donkey King,
I portray the events of Passion Week from the perspective of Marcus Longinus, the Roman centurion who oversaw Christ's crucifixion. Here is an excerpt as seen through his eyes:
10:00 a.m. April 7th 30 AD
Within me I knew there was something
primeval about this position, the position on the cross. This is a man’s first
nightmare, his worst nightmare. Here he hangs, naked, ripped open, nailed open,
unable to cover himself. He is unprotected. He cannot hide; he cannot run. In
shame and nakedness his tormentors lift him up. His sin is posted above his
head. Body and soul are pried open, and he hangs fully exposed. He is exposed
before heaven and the world—the world that has rejected him—the heaven that
he has offended.
Nothing can be worse. It breaks the
strongest men.
But he was silent. The Christ was
silent. He was still—quiet—beneath the flesh piercing blows. I had never
seen, or heard the like of it.
It troubled me.
Now that he was pinned and mounted, he
summoned his strength, and raised his voice for all to hear.
“Father,” he gasped, “forgive
them . . . They don’t know . . . what . . . they are doing.”
Then silence, troubling silence.
I dismissed his words. I knew what I
was doing.
Claudius doubled over, as though
punched in the stomach. He staggered off the back of the Skull and began
He’s green I suppose, green and soft,
yet to be hardened by the sights and sounds of the battlefield. He reminded me
of how I was, when I first arrived in Germania. A few more of these trips up
the Skull, and the toughness will come.
A squabble broke out over the
messiah’s clothes. Who gets what? I intervened and said, “The purple robe goes
to Octavian’s crew.”
Like the centurion in this account, we often are confident that we know what we are doing, but nothing could be further from the truth.
David Kitz
David's award winning novel can be purchased directly from his website: http://davidkitz.ca/opencart/
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Out of the Ordinary comes Out of the Box Ruth Smith Meyer

The writing has been done by bits and pieces for probably
forty years. My story began first to be
jotted down in a journal when childhood memories surfaced. Later they were typed in some semblance of
order and stored in a file. When I
overcame my fear of computers, over time, they were put in an electronic
file. Additions could then, much more
easily be slotted in the right time frame.
children kept urging me to fill in the blanks so they could each have a copy,
but you know how it goes—sometime never quite does come. When I started using little incidents to
compose a story to share with the Ready Writers, (my writers’ group) I got a
lot of encouragement to indeed do something with those memories.

As any author knows, when the book is written, then comes
the editing. I got professional help with this book, and still the more I read
it the more mistakes I found, the more places where it could flow better to
make smoother transitions. I wonder if there ever has been a book written where
the author was completely satisfied that it was indeed done. It seems to me you could go on revising
forever! However, now, for better or for
worse, it is finished.
As I leafed through this book, the story of my life, I
thought it somehow representative of how life is. Sometimes life does get messy, sometimes it
doesn’t flow as smoothly as we’d like, there are always parts that we think we
could do better if we could live it over again. But as we age, there comes a
time when we realize that our life is what it is. I am thankful that I trust in One who can
take my life as a whole and take even the less than perfect parts of my life
and make it something that can be used to encourage others and perhaps urge
them to put their trust, too, in Him. I hope that when my life is taken out of
the box, perused and examined, it can do just that.
Find me at www.ruthsmithmeyer.com
Find my book at any bookstore by ISBN#978-1-4866-0829-4 or at Amazon.ca
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Our hellos and good-byes--Carolyn R. Wilker
Tuesday evening, as I wrote, a good-bye lay raw and heavy in my heart. Another
good-bye in a string of weeks, and this one for a friend who has died. As
family and friends come to terms with this new loss is an underlying knowledge of
where she goes from this life.
Kathy will no longer wear the mantle of
illness, nor endure more treatments that gave her extra time, or even to make
do with what little energy remained. But she will wear a new covering of light
and be reunited with her young grandson Leif who predeceased her months before.
My friend was a welcoming kind of
person, the kind who found you new to a place and invited you in, that no one
be left standing out in the cold of indifference. I know, for I have been the recipient of that caring
on more than one occasion. I was grateful and always remember those times. I
hope that I have reciprocated as generously as what she offered to me, and
spread that kind of caring around to others. She was the rock-solid kind of
friend that everyone needs—a forever friend—one who didn’t want to stand out in
the crowd or desire to be the centre of others’ attention.
Kathy knew that I had been writing and
that my work was being published. One day when I arrived at her home for Bible
Study some years ago, she had carefully ripped out the submission page from her
devotional booklet and encouraged me to write for the Upper Room. I kept that piece of paper awhile and I wrote and
submitted—my first international credit. Guess who gets the credit for the initial
inspiration? Both God and Kathy, but she would deny her part in it, except for
the suggestion.
Jesus promised he’d be with us to the
end of the age, that he understood our tears, our physical anxiety, and that
through all the valley of troubles, he’d be with us and save a place for us
when we’re too tired and empty, in a place where there is no more pain. He offered
consoling words to his disciples, before they even realized the kind of death
he’d face. Was his heart heavy too at leaving them behind?
This morning upon early awakening, I
thought of how it might have been for my friend in the last months and perhaps
longer, about facing her goodbyes. Like someone who was going on a journey and
knew she wasn’t coming back to this place. She would know that she would see them later in another place, but
would that ease the pain of saying her goodbyes? Might she have felt wistful at
leaving them behind? And hope that her adult children would guide those small
children well. Hesitant, too, to leave her loving husband? Perhaps for those reasons, might she have
hesitated to take that step, even knowing that it was God’s hand leading her, when
the moment came?
Jesus’ words bring comfort even in the
pain of loss: “My Father’s house has many rooms; if it were not so would I have
told you that I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:2).” And then he
promises to come back for us. He’s come for Kathy.
may not be ready to receive those words, but I am grateful to have had Kathy in
my life. She celebrated when there was
goodness in life and she prayed for others, knowing that God was the right one
to look to for help.
Rest in peace, my friend. You have
earned it. We will miss you, but we know that our loving God is keeping you. Until we meet again.
Carolyn R. Wilker, writer, editor, storyteller from Ontario. See Carolyn at Write Canada in June 2015, member of faculty and co-leader of Creative Nonfiction Intensive.
Bible study,
John 14:2,
Monday, March 09, 2015
Bruce Cockburn: Restless Virtuoso- HIRD
By the Rev. Dr. Ed Hird
While at the local library with my wife, I ran across Bruce Cockburn’s fascinating new autobiography and spiritual memoirs Bruce Cockburn: Rumours of Glory. A true Canadian icon, Cockburn ironically gets more airtime now on US radios than in Canada. Until recently, he has been called one of Canada’s best kept secrets. Over the past five decades, he has released thirty-one albums, selling over seven million copies worldwide, including one million copies in Canada. The New York Times has called Cockburn a virtuoso on guitar. His accomplishments include 12 Juno Awards and 21 gold/platinum certifications. As well as being a member of the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and Canadian Broadcast Hall of Fame, Cockburn is an Officer of the Order of Canada and recipient of the Governor General’s Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement. He even has his own postage stamp! It is easy to put famous people up on pedestals, only for them to come crashing down.
While at the local library with my wife, I ran across Bruce Cockburn’s fascinating new autobiography and spiritual memoirs Bruce Cockburn: Rumours of Glory. A true Canadian icon, Cockburn ironically gets more airtime now on US radios than in Canada. Until recently, he has been called one of Canada’s best kept secrets. Over the past five decades, he has released thirty-one albums, selling over seven million copies worldwide, including one million copies in Canada. The New York Times has called Cockburn a virtuoso on guitar. His accomplishments include 12 Juno Awards and 21 gold/platinum certifications. As well as being a member of the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and Canadian Broadcast Hall of Fame, Cockburn is an Officer of the Order of Canada and recipient of the Governor General’s Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement. He even has his own postage stamp! It is easy to put famous people up on pedestals, only for them to come crashing down.
Cockburn noted: “What doesn't kill you makes for songs.” He is very transparent in his memoirs about
the ‘cage of reticence’ that he has been trapped in, saying that it took him
decades to open up enough to allow another human beyond the courtyard of his
heart. Due to
the flat lining of emotional content, he bottled up his feelings and failed to
connect. Cockburn commented: “It was almost impossible
for me to communicate from the heart, especially if the subject required deep
openness....I remained too trapped inside myself...” Even positive attention could be off-putting
to him. Being terrified of audiences, he initially
pretended that they were not there. Through his music, Cockburn temporarily came
out of hiding: “Music is my diary, my anchor through anguish and joy, a channel
for the heart.” His self-described penchant
for withdrawal led to several painful relational breakups: “Relationships of
the heart though require exposure of the soul.” Being a
travelling musician can be very hard on relationships. In his memoirs, Cockburn notes:
...a long history of failing to
communicate our deepest fears, resentments, and longings was at the core of our
unraveling....Neither of us would entertain for a moment the notion of going
for counseling...I'd leave on tour. My wife would be left in a stew of
resentment and loneliness.
There are endless internet interviews with Cockburn about
his spirituality. Few authors are
willing to be interviewed in such detail about their spiritual journeys. Cockburn’s spiritual reflections are very
paradoxical, evocative, and nuanced: “Anyone who has spent any time exploring
Bruce Cockburn’s music knows what a complex artist he is. He is as spiritual as
he is political, and as much a master musician as a lyrical poet.” He is a free spirit who cannot be boxed
in. Bruce has a strongly developed
social conscience and passion for justice that is expressed through his music,
particularly in the 1980s. The
more interior 1970s led to a more exterior 1980s, focusing on the love of
oppressed neighbours in the Global South.
While raised in the United Church by agnostic parents, his
first spiritual encounter occurred while taking communion in St George’s
Anglican Church in Ottawa: “it felt like something happened.” He
called it a wondrous shiver of contact, of connection. At his wedding at St George’s, all of a
sudden there was someone there “as vivid as I could see them, but I couldn’t
seem them, this loving presence...So I started taking Jesus very seriously at
that point...that image has never left.” Sadly,
in moving to Toronto, Cockburn ‘didn’t find another church that had the same
spirit attached to it.”
It has been said that Cockburn has a spiritual GPS in him
that doesn’t want to shut off: “I’m trying to get people to be aware of how
much more there is to life than just what they see.” There
are people who love Bruce Cockburn just for his music," said Mr. Brian
Walsh, explaining each has their reasons be it his guitar virtuosity, his
lyrics or his political stance. "They don't always get the spirituality.” Cockburn’s quest for deeper meaning is a lifelong
spiritual journey: “I believe that my relationship with God is central to my
life. It is the most important thing in my life.” “Eventually,
through a series of personal stuff in the early ’70s, I ended up giving myself
to Christ and asking for help, and I figured at that point I better start
calling myself a Christian,” said Cockburn. “I think a personal relationship
with God is what we’re supposed to be after and what God is after. That
experience was a very crucial part of discovering and attempting to develop
that relationship,” said Cockburn. The song All The Diamonds was written on the
night of Cockburn’s conversion: “When Jesus came into my life, in 1974, he also
came into my music.” Only
God, said Cockburn can fill that hole inside of us.
My three favorite
Cockburn songs are Lord of the Starfields, All the Diamonds, and Wondering
Where the Lions Are. The autobiography gave a fascinating backdrop
to Cockburn’s life and songs, illuminating the rumours of glory. Bruce is very experimental, experiencing
himself into faith and relationship with God.
Then he reflects on it later, sometimes in very confusing and ambiguous
Cockburn has always been a restless spirit: “I craved adventure. I needed to throw myself into something unknown, travel with only vague destinations, expose myself to the elements, sail the seas.” He says that a lot of his nomadic rootlessness and constant longing for home comes from mistrust when his father destroyed his first poems: “I have a great deal of mistrust. I have a mistrust of authority. I have a mistrust of things I don’t know intimately. I have a mistrust that takes the form of “OK, God, I am here for you and you are here for me. But I don’t want to go all the way because you might ask something of me that I am not capable of giving or don’t want to give. So I hold myself back from that piece because of that. I am working on that piece...” May Bruce Cockburn may continue to inspire others to seek for home.
The Rev. Dr. Ed Hird, Rector,
St. Simon's Church North Vancouver
Anglican Mission in Canada
-an article for the April 2015 Deep Cove Crier
The Rev. Dr. Ed Hird, Rector,
St. Simon's Church North Vancouver
Anglican Mission in Canada
-an article for the April 2015 Deep Cove Crier
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