Recently I was reading
through my past blogs. My thoughts in
the past months have often been drawn to the need for prayer and I have had
several occasions where I have seen quite dramatic and obvious answers to
prayer. When I read this one, I thought it was worth repeating.

What exactly happens when we
pray? Many answers to that question come
from past experience. When we pray we
connect to a power greater than we possess. When we pray, we take the focus off
of our anxiety and frustration and we zero in on the one who loves us more than
we can ever understand. When we pray we
learn to trust. Sometimes, we are able let go of the urgency and are content to
wait for the answer. That in its self can be a difficult but freeing step for
one who wants to do something about it now!
Guess, though, what I found myself
saying in reply to that question yesterday morning. I hadn’t even formulated it in my own mind,
and I’m not sure that I have done so yet.
I expect I am going to be mulling it over in my mind for some time to
come. But here it is, if not in the exact words, it is the idea.
“God made me in the beginning, and he
made me more complex then I have discovered even in all the years I have
lived. Sometimes when I pray for
strength, or wisdom, or guidance, I think in that quiet prayer-time, God just
leads me in an archaeological “dig” to find what he already placed inside
me. Together we find the strength, the
wisdom the understanding that fits the moment—the answer to my prayer. He gently brushes off the dirt in which it
has been buried, hands it to me and with a pat on my back says ‘There you go!’”
Far from putting me on an ego trip,
leaving me saying, “So I have all I need within me, I don’t need God.” I am humbled to know a bit more about how
God made me. That knowledge makes me even
more aware of how closely I should work with my maker. Who would know better
how to make something work right, how to fully utilize the inner workings and
possibilities than the maker himself?
To try on my own to use all that I have been given is like trying to
figure out all that can be done with my computer by trial and error only. I most certainly will never find that out on
my own. But if I could work closely with
the maker of my Dell Laptop and with Bill Gates, for instance, I would find
within its 12”x15”x 2” makeup, many applications of which I now know
Writing has been a revelation in that
area. Often as I sit writing, ideas come
to me and they’re formed into words as my hands operate the keyboard. Sometimes
I am amazed when I read them over again.
Did I really write that?
This morning, I am conscious of the
need to stay in close contact with my Master so that the possibilities he
placed in me can be found and released.
the past year’s challenges, I sometimes felt as though I’ve reached the “bottom
of the barrel,” I know too, the stories
in the bible where what seemed the last of the flour and oil, where the meager loaves
and fishes were multiplied to sustain and nourish.
it be that I haven’t given prayer enough time for the archaeological “digs” to produce what I need?
"Archaeological digs" -- great analogy, Ruth! Thanks for sharing this insightful meditation on prayer and our need to "stay in close contact with [our] Master." ~~+~~
So much wisdom and truth!
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