Monday, July 12, 2010

My Red Hot Keyboard - Ayotte

From my fingertips to your eyes, I send my greetings to you.

At one time, we could only communicate with those that lived nearby. In this situation, my greeting would have been from “my lips to your ears”.

Now with all the advanced technology, one of the best ways to communicate seems to be via the computer in one format or another. If it isn’t by e-mail, it’s on Facebook, Twitter, My Space, blogs, chat lines, cell phones, and so on. These methods of communication are all great but have we lost the personal touch? Are we always able to interpret moods, facial expressions, body language, voice intonation, and any other forms of communication, if we choose to mainly communicate the techie way?

Please let us try to remember the personal touch. It’s difficult to hug and embrace the “old” way with all the “new” technology. Give someone a smile or a hug today. You’ll both feel better for it!

“We cannot rebuild the world ourselves, but we can have a small part in it by beginning where we are. It may only be taking care of a neighbor’s child or inviting some one to dinner, but it’s important.” (Donna L. Glazier)

Author of "I'm Not Perfect And It's Okay"
Previously posted on my Blog Site - June 3, 2010


Peter Black said...

Thank you. Very thought-provoking, Dolores!
Your contemporising description to fit the mode of communication is so apt.
You reminded me of a magazine article I wrote 30+ years ago in which I took the Psalmist's, "My tongue is the pen of a skillful writer" (Psa. 45:1), and wrote about "my tongue is the brush of a skillful painter."
And your point about not losing the personal touch is so important, in my view. Perhaps our writing will not lose that dimension if we who write ensure that we take time away from the confines of our office/computer room (or wherever we do our writing), and meet, greet, and touch real, live people.

Dolores Ayotte said...

How true Peter...thanks for your comments and for your gift of being able to relate so well to the simple message in this little article. The personal can mean so much and make such a difference. :)

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