Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The book of id

The cover of the book you see here is my most recent release from Warner Faith. This is the nineteenth book I've written and what I found interesting was that the experience of writing the previous eighteen only helped me so far. As I wrote this book, I felt as if I was starting all over again. I had to discover these characters and this place and their journey. They frustrated me, they made me smile. Some days the story flowed, some days it was eked out one word at a time. But what I find interesting is that with each book, I not only discover my characters, it seems I also discover myself.

I think that's why it is sometimes hard for us writers to talk dispassionately about our books. When we put those words on the page we are putting ourselves in the public eye. This book, The Only Best Place, was my first foray into Women's fiction and my first attempt at first person. Both were a journey and though Leslie's VandeKeere's journey really wasn't mine, I still knew i had dropped kernels of myself in her.

I don't like to think that as people read this book, they will think they know me. But if I am to be completely honest, if they read this book, they will, either in Leslie or some of the other charaters, see a bit of me. And if I am to be the best writer I can be, this is what I should do. Open that vein and put my unique take on life into this book. Use the viewpoint that God has given me in my life in my stories.

1 comment:

Marcia Lee Laycock said...

This so true, Caroline - it's hard to do, hard to be that vulnerable, but it is the only way to write well. We're highlighting Canadian writers at our women's retreat this year and will be sure to add this book to the list!
Blessings as you move on to what's next. :)M

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