Saturday, February 17, 2018

How free is free? by SUSAN HARRIS

Lately, I’ve been seen a lot of usage of “free will” and it prompted me to consider how free is free. And I’ve concluded that what is deemed “free” is ultimately attached to a cost. 

The most classic use of free is with salvation.  But while salvation is offered freely to us, it cost Jesus His life. This is not free after all.

When in the name of free speech we demean and ridicule others, there is a cost - hurt and pain to the one whom the supposed free speech is directed. And on a larger scale, intolerance that goes against the grain of civil living.

When a child defies the rules set by parents for his guidance in the name of free will, even if he may not care of the impact on himself , there is a cost to his parents’ well being. These effects are greater when he is a child  rather than when he  is an adult, so to dismiss the behavior in the name of name free is frivolous at best.

Free will comes with responsibility and accountability, be it for what we did with Christ’s death or how we live with each other. And if there is a  cost to another, is it really free?

Susan Harris is a speaker, author, and former teacher.


Peter Black said...

Susan, thank you for raising this. Your question regarding behaviours, such as you mention, and whether they are truly free, I think, raises the issue of whether there is in fact a moral base to the universe; and also whether the 'universal law of sowing and reaping' does result in consequences (good or ill), despite appearances to the contrary in the short term.
Some people will likely suggest that fate will catch up or that one's Karma will even everything out, or whatever.
Certainly, the Biblical Scriptures are clear that when good is rejected "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind" (Hosea 8:7). And, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. [A person] reaps what he sows . . ." Galatians 6:7a). Thank you for your focus also on our Lord, who paid the price of our salvation through His death. Yes, redemption costs. ~~+~~

Ruth Smith Meyer said...

I believe that my freedom ends when it begins to rob you of yours. Does that make sense? When it imposes on your freedom then I should be free to reign in my desires so that you too can be satisfied.

David Kitz said...

I fully agree, Susan. Great thoughts.

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