But it was a generous gift and it would be a bit of precious time spent together, so we said 'yes'. Not to mention it would be rude not to accept the gift certificate from our kind daughter.
The gift certificate was for a riverboat cruise complete with 'Blazing Fiddles' entertainment and a full course meal to enjoy as we meandered our way down the Grand River in Caledonia.
It took a bit of arranging to get away, but everything fell into place and my Happy Hubby and I were off.
The BLAZING FIDDLES entertained us with some fine, toe-tappin' tunes! Such fun. |
Then when we arrived a few hours later, it seemed quiet, peaceful and we winked at each other as we noticed the age group in attendance were up one or two levels from us! Would we be the youngsters here? But we were soon to discover that it's the older folks who come early. Before long, there were passengers of all ages, waiting to embark on the three hour tour!
Getting ready for a rousing spoon-playing song. Happy Hubby wished he had brought his along! |
We handed in our gift certificate and were directed to the complementary coffee/tea/muffin/butter tart area.
The music program happened in the cozy area right at dockside. We were treated to a musical medley filled with toe-tappin' tunes and an energy—contagious!
God had been up to something, I am convinced, last week. We haven't had vacation time or certainly not anytime together this summer. We weren't complaining about it and all was plodding along well. He knew that. But I also think He made all things work out because He wanted us to get away, even if it was for only a few hours.
A kind, gentle Captain with a great knowledge of the area. |
It was wonderful. We had nowhere to go. My phone wouldn't work on the boat - well unless I went outside. I used it only once - to check on Dad. Then it became a camera only!
My Sweetie-Pie settling in for dinner |
The water was a little murky because of the humidity, but a beautiful meandering down the Grand River! |
It was the most peaceful, relaxing time we have enjoyed together in a while. We basically 'grazed' for three hours. The meal (appetizers, salads, fresh bread, roast beef dinner topped off with apple pie) was delicious. And we made some sweet friends along the way, too. There was a lovely worker from a group home who had taken two of her clients on the tour. We were sitting next to them and had some good laughs; what wonderful souls they were. I think that was a Divine appointment, too, as we heard some amazing stories and left inspired and encouraged.
I was thankful we made the effort to go on this excursion. We were most grateful that God blessed us with a glorious day, calm spirits, safety in travel, wonderful company, and a nice comfy bed to come home to!
A blessed day to remember. |
God's like that. He looks after his children so well and cares about the details. We didn't have to go on this cruise. But we are jolly glad we did. God made everything perfect, and for that we were (and still are) grateful!
The LORD has been mindful of us; He will bless us. Psalm 115:2a

Glynis lives, loves, laughs and does an awful lot of reading, writing, publishing and praying in her home office.
How thrilled Glynis is to be part of CHRISTMAS WITH HOT APPLE CIDER - an anthology filled with a wonderful assortment of Christmas short stories, memories, drama and poetry.