Last week I attended two funerals. One was for a respected gentleman from our church; a lovely 89 year old fellow who loved to laugh and who had been a blessing to many over the years. His funeral was a celebration of a life well lived and a great comfort to the family. He will certainly be missed and many tears were shed, but it was obvious that he lived a full life. God had called this tired old saint home. Over the next few weeks family and friends will come to accept that it was time for their loved one to depart from this world and to be with Jesus.
The second funeral I attended was for a young man of eighteen years. Suicide. Heart-rendering, to say the least. Although it was a moving God-focussed funeral, it was one of shock and turmoil; confusion and question; great sadness and despondency. The celebration of life seemed to be replaced with a spiritual cacophony. Why didn’t Jesus. . .? Where was the Lord when. . .? How can the son of a beloved and sincere pastor. . .? The church overflowed with sadness. Young and old gathered to remember his short life and to try to make sense of what causes a body to despair so. Over the next few weeks family and friends will battle with various emotions and troubling questions and perhaps they will never really find the answers they seek.

So, no, I really do not get mental illness. But I do get cancer. And you know what? A lot of people knew a lot of things to do when I was diagnosed with cancer. No one knows where my cancer came from just like no one knows where mental illness comes from but everyone and his uncle did what they could to get rid of my cancer. Shouldn't it be the same for diseases of the mind, too?
It's getting better these days, but it still seems like sometimes many do not know what to do when mental illness rears its ugly head. Mental illness is a serious diagnosis and deserves the same 'respect' as any other disease. There still prevails the preconceived notion of people with a definitive diagnosis of mental illness being psychotic or dangerous, perhaps unpredictable and untrustworthy, thus some feel justified 'steering clear.'

I do know God is in control. I also do know that we are not created as puppets and freewill permeates our earthly presence. That's just how it was planned. But was it planned for an eighteen year old to take his own life? There are wicked and evil forces in this world. Never stronger than almighty God, but stronger than humankind. I believe we need to take mental illness seriously and understand the sphere of influence of such forces. Cancer of the ovaries in my case, was treated effectively. Cancer of the spirit can be treated effectively, too. If my cancer was left to battle itself. I would be dead. Depression when left to battle itself, will kill every time - always the spirit, sometimes the body.
When a person dies from suicide, the battle of evil is not lost. The battle is merely over. I want to believe that God wins because really, He has won the battle - I read the end of the Book.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever
separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers
of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the
earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us
from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NLT) Romans