It seems there are always two sides to the perspective coin.
You can either look at all the frustrations and barriers that will continue to
arise in your life and in your career, or you can focus on the obstacles that
have already been surmounted and the answers to prayer that helped you leap
over them.
There are times when I get frustrated with the barriers in
my life and writing career, but then I remember …
My second novel, A Tumbled Stone, was published because of
the generosity of a friend and the answer to the prayers of many more.
I’d prayed about the money needed to submit to A Second Cup
of Hot Apple Cider and three speaking engagements popped up, giving me enough
to submit and purchase a few copies. God supplied what I needed just in time.
A spontaneous decision to submit a YA manuscript to Steve
Laube at Write Canada led me to ask for prayer and that led to an encouraging
interview and his request for the full manuscript. Once again, prayer opened
Recently I prayed that God would begin to open up speaking
engagements for me. After being out of the loop for over a year due to a battle
with cancer, I was a bit worried that it would take a while to build up that
part of my ministry again. Then I was asked to speak at a Spring Tea; another
woman called to ask if I would speak at a few Christian Women's clubs in
Central Alberta and another invited me to speak at a retreat in Saskatchewan.
I'm now in the place of having to pick and choose which engagements to accept.
God answers. God provides.
Sometimes the perspective coin lands on the wrong side and
when it does I am blocked by the burdens of frustration and disappointment.
It's at those times that I have to make the choice to flip the coin over.
Counting the blessings releases the joy of contentment and renewed enthusiasm.
So go ahead, flip that coin.

Marcia’s devotional ebook for writers of faith, Abundant Rain is now available at Amazon.com
Marcia is also a sought-after speaker for women’s events. Visit
her at www.vinemarc.com