Monday, March 07, 2011

Writing, Painting and Relationships - Smith Meyer

A two week hiatus from intentional writing to get a few rooms painted seemed like a good and workable idea. Of course before the painting could begin, there was considerable clearance to be made. That included sorting. I don’t think I’m alone in the problems that arise from that task. Each item required a decision. In accordance with those “De-cluttering” TV shows, I made piles—to keep, to give away, to throw away, and a few landed on the think about it pile.
Since many of the items came with my second marriage and had no emotional attachment, it should have been simplified, but sometimes it was harder because I didn’t know why something had been saved and what meaning might be attached to it.
Eventually the time our granddaughter could help with the painting was upon us. (My writing had already been shoved aside for almost two weeks.) I moved the rest of the undecided items to a closet so the furniture could be moved to the centre of the room and the painting could begin.
Painting has always been an exciting undertaking for me. The transformation that happens within a few hours is exhilarating. Although my shoulders won’t allow me to do much of it anymore, younger arms accomplished the job and I got the same thrill of seeing the basement lose its drab blue/gray as it was warmed with the colour of Cinnamon Toast.
But something more was happening. A girl, now turned into a young woman, warmed my heart as much as the new colour warmed the room. Just seeing her take charge and work steadily and carefully yet with confidence awakened an even deeper appreciation for who she is and who she is becoming. As we worked and chatted, I could sense the maturity in her. I was thrilled in the depth of her character and insight. She even gave me good advice regarding that think about it pile, relieving me of guilt and indecisiveness. As satisfying as the changing of a room can be, the transformation, the growing and maturing of a person, the deepening of a relationship, the savouring of a friendship is much more fulfilling to the soul.
So tonight, when I realized tomorrow was my turn for The Word Guild Blog entry, my writing had to come out of hiatus. I was and am thankful for the rich relationships with which I am blessed for those relationships and my attempts to share the joy they bring, the learning they provide and knowing the One who made us for relationship is what inspires most of my writing.


Peter Black said...

Decluttering, sorting out piles ... Oh, how this fingers my proclivity towards procrastination!
Writing inspired and informed by relationships. A delightful account, Ruth. Thanks for sharing it.

Adam Yao said...

Hi Ruth,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You have a talent for painting pictures with your writing - very inspiring

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