Canadians voted three weeks ago, our American neighbors three days ago, and in our area civic elections are a week and a day away. It’s obviously the year of elections and hard not to focus on the whys and wherefores of gaining influence, popularity and power.
We’ve seen how the politicians do it – slagging opponents while praising their own abilities which, they promise, will deliver Utopia – all paid for with our tax dollars of course. The media join the chorus, weighing in with whatever they can dig up, from what candidates wear to ancient history, in an attempt to tip the balance toward their favorites.
With this in mind, consider another realm, the Kingdom of Heaven. You know the whole other universe that a sci-fi or fantasy writer creates? To me the Kingdom of Heaven is such a thing. It’s the system of God’s reality that is, at its core, different from what seems real to us most of the time. But this kingdom reality is the actual reality. It’s the real stuff that’s going on under the surface of the apparent reality we live in (which operates like I’ve described above).
In the end, kingdom reality will be the only one that matters and against which the effect of our lives will be measured. Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 5, 6 & 7) is a good place to read about this realm’s ‘laws of gravity,’ so different from our own.
Kingdom Waltz
First is last
Small is great
Give to get
Learn to wait
Proud is low
Humble high
God attends
Mourner’s cry
Take the pain
Turn the cheek
Bless the poor
Help the weak
Fast unseen
Always pray
Serve unsung
Joy each day
Love, not hate
All forgive
Win the crown
Die to live
God the light
Christ we’ll meet
Crowns will cast
At His feet
© 2004 by Violet Nesdoly
First is last
Small is great
Give to get
Learn to wait
Proud is low
Humble high
God attends
Mourner’s cry
Take the pain
Turn the cheek
Bless the poor
Help the weak
Fast unseen
Always pray
Serve unsung
Joy each day
Love, not hate
All forgive
Win the crown
Die to live
God the light
Christ we’ll meet
Crowns will cast
At His feet
© 2004 by Violet Nesdoly
“Kingdom Waltz” was first published in The Vision (October 2004) as “Kingdom View."
Violet Nesdoly is a freelance writer who lives in Metro-Vancouver. Check out the Christmas special on her two poetry books - Calendar (2004) and Family Reunion (2007).
I really like this post. The whole notion of political and pop heroes can become idol worship. At the very least, it can be coveting what thy neighbour has when we compare ourselves in a negative way. Some of the best examples we have are of people we have never heard of, who never sought power for themselves. And sought only to please God and serve Him. That, to me is a real hero.
Thanks Jane! What you say is so true. I wonder what surprises will await us on the day we discover who achieved true greatness.
Hello, Violet.
Your brief piece is very thought-provoking, and your poem, in its terse but gentle way, brings the point home.
Your Photo: Now I can put the face and name together when reading your listserve posts.
Thanks, Peter. Ditto on the photo bit. (You look like the kind of person who could find parables in a pond:)
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